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Get Silents Synced for Your Cinema

Sign up to BOOK the Silent Sync Series!

An exclusive Cinema Content event provider tailored to the Indie and art house cinema operators.


Silents Synced Content can be played multiple Times starting on launch date and continuing over the course of 12 months with a NEW TITLE available every 4 months!




Q: Can our venue do an emmersive light show/Concert Lighting thing along with the Movies?


A: Hell yea.


What They're Saying

“The guys thought it seems like a good idea and they like the uncanny way their music and Buster Keaton’s Sherlock, Jr., match up — kind of perfect.  What a great and unlikely way of presenting great art,” stated Bertis Downs, Manager for R.E.M.


“There is something strangely appealing about syncing modern music to an old silent film — it brings a whole new perspective. I like to imagine Buster Keaton moving around on set with a 1927 version of They Might Be Giants bouncing around in his head. It's a perfect combo,” says Pete Smolin, manager of They Might Be Giants.


"What Josh Frank has accomplished with Silents Synced exemplifies the creativity, DIY ethos, and commitment to cinema as an art form and a culture that defines the independent film exhibition landscape,” stated Kate Markham, Managing Director of Art House Convergence.


“We’re thrilled to be a partner in distributing because we believe in the power of event cinema combined with alternative music’s most enduring artists,” said CineLife Entertainment’s EVP, Bernadette McCabe.  “This is a concept that should work equally well for independent, indoor and drive-in cinemas as it offers attainable event cinema that will appeal to multiple generations of current patrons, as well as music fans.” 

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